Friday 16 March 2007

Don't be so sensitive

The new film 300, base on a Frank Miller graphic novel, is causing a stink with the Iranian community world wide. They see it as a slur on ancient Persian culture, a misrepresentation. However, depending on Hollywood to give an accurate portrayal is like putting all your stock on George W to solve the problems in the Middle East, making the Jews, Shias, Sunnis into one big, happy family - it ain't gonna happen. This is a COMIC-BOOK film, literally. They put in elements to make an historic event look even more fantastical, as opposed to the woeful Troy where they did the opposite. Okay, Iranians say that this is American propaganda against them - but I'm sure a large proportion of Americans don't even realise that Iran is Persia. This is a pure, mindless action movie designed, with its testosterone-fulled violence, for teenage boys. There is no subtext.

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