Thursday 21 February 2008

Imagine this in the wrong hands


Jerry Kiely said...

Imagine it in the hands of a crazed, murderous ameriKKKan.

Oh wait...


ovak30 said...

Good jesus,I'm going to get me one of those lads and head out to the northside on the prowl for Mr. S Townsened The Bollix.

Anonymous said...

ahh poor Mr Townsend, all he wanted to do was screw ms theron and stop the abomination of the hill of tara, and you hurt him at every turn, this time with a shotgun. poor Mr Townsend.

ovak30 said...

Poor would not be the word i would use, he is nobbing a world class piece of ass and is bleeding loaded.
Poor he is not.

Anonymous said...

ah of course he is not actually poor. In the pauper sense of the word. But again he is rich in his thought provoking care and attention to his native land. And of course to his better halfs back passage.