The new film 300, base on a Frank Miller graphic novel, is causing a stink with the Iranian community world wide. They see it as a slur on ancient Persian culture, a misrepresentation. However, depending on Hollywood to give an accurate portrayal is like putting all your stock on George W to solve the problems in the Middle East, making the Jews, Shias, Sunnis into one big, happy family - it ain't gonna happen. This is a COMIC-BOOK film, literally. They put in elements to make an historic event look even more fantastical, as opposed to the woeful Troy where they did the opposite. Okay, Iranians say that this is American propaganda against them - but I'm sure a large proportion of Americans don't even realise that Iran is Persia. This is a pure, mindless action movie designed, with its testosterone-fulled violence, for teenage boys. There is no subtext.
Friday 16 March 2007
Thursday 15 March 2007
Be CAreful !!!!!

In these modern times even the small pleasures can turn around and bite you on the ass.EVERYTHING gives you cancer!
GM food,
modern life,
modern living,
The Wonder of it all
black music,
stevie wonder
Wednesday 14 March 2007
Mondo, mondo, mondo

Apologies for my tardiness, but am now finally contributing to the creation of this realm of magnificence. My own sphere of influence is small, but perfectly formed. First up from me is a little music to enhance your reading/viewing pleasure. It is a soundtrack of sorts - a soundtrack for a 1970s German soft porn movie, purporting to be a documentary or 'mondo' feature, concerning a hirsute women with odd-shaped, small breasts on a voyage of self-discovery in India and Africa. Except this film, starring Holga Schmuchkler and directed by Konrad-Kunz Kuntsler, doesn't exist, except as a concept for my soundtrack, which is unfortunate.
We're number 1!
Irish EU's 'worst binge-drinkers'
Ireland has the highest rates of binge-drinking in the European Union, a survey exploring attitudes to alcohol has indicated.
Finally, something to be proud of. I'd like to congratulate everyone for all their hard work. And all this with St. Patrick's day just around the corner...
Monday 12 March 2007
Me Virgin!!!!

Oh how life can be strange sometimes! One minute you are celebrating your brothers 21st birthday amongst your nearest and dearest and the next , your darling brother who you have known for over three decades dares to try and bite through your skull so as to reach the bountiful source of grey matter contained within.
Oh how life can be strange!
Sunday 11 March 2007
The Ratings Game

Hello to my fellow blog owners and blog readers.
Mucho excited about this coming together to form new opinions and possibly a conglomerate of some sort that will allow me to become famous and rich without actually having any talent. I suppose its always been an unrealistic dream but hey "I have a dream" etc etc etc.
Moving on, I would first like to pay a public homage to Aidano, I sit and type while listening to his mondo exotica. A musical mix of so far wonderful flowing mini journeys which are brightening up my Sunday night. (of late sunday depression has been coming on strong but I will come to that at a later date).
May I secondly say JK - a great idea this is an I am proud to be a part of it. I hope it will be long running and spark ideas that may lead us in unknown directions. Bravo sir bravo.
Last but not least in the thank you's may I say, Con (Ovak30) - your idea for sitting in windows of restaurants with rating cards cruely rating passers by with 3.4's, 5.6's and the occasional 9.8 filled me with hope that we could spread some of our hopelessness upon others while enjoying steaks and other sundries.
To new beginnings.
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