Friday 7 March 2008

Attention Scum

What Am I?


Attention Scum

You Are Sub Worms.


Wednesday 5 March 2008

Oh Noes!

Ceiling copz says; I can has terizt? (from here and here)


Parking Tickets....your crazy.....I didn't.......well they have some outstanding warrants.....

Dj Shadow sampled a comedian called Murray Roman on his album "Entroducing" in the early 90's for the track Stem/Long Stem. Roman was around in the 1960's and was by all accounts in a similar vain to Bill Hicks. I was always facinated by the sample as I thought it was Elliot Gould in some classic 1970's film.

Here are some links to Romans work and possibly one of the best names for an album I have heard in a while. "You Can't Beat People Up And Have Them Say I Love You". Spoken word infused with funk and soul music. Quite strange and enjoyable.

Links Are Here

If anyone can suggest links or leave a comment with more info on Roman I would be in your debt.


I am sure you are aware of this site, but if you are not. Enjoy.

What has been seen can never be unseen.

banksy anyone?

Not usually an artist that would blow my mind, but sometimes he just nails it and on this occasion he certainly does.

A touching (ahem) story!

This story has cropped up on a couple of occasions today and yes I was intrigued. But it took a letter from our dear fiend/friend Russel to give us an insight into the young mans mind.


This is the moment Adebayor's hair grew back.

And now our season begins.


The Man With The Golden Light Sabre

Bang tidy (via here).


Tuesday 4 March 2008


Duuh duh, duhduhduh, duhduhduhduhduhduhduh, duh duh duh.


Gary Gygax 1938 - 2008

Back in the olden days, in a time before crystal sets and the wireless, we would gather on Fridays after school (at around 5.00pm) in one of our houses and play D&D by candlelight non-stop till Sunday evening (at around 8.30pm), breaking every now and then for tea or coffee and biscuits.

I look back on those days with great fondness.


Not even if you want to

Stupid labels, telling me what to do.

My New Law

This is an exerpt from QI.

I love QI. I really do. I think that if you are dumb enough to watch so-called "reality television" of any description, be it America's Dumbest Criminals, Big Brother or any of the pornography created by Satan himself then you should be required to watch QI.

By law.

And then you must write an essay about what you've learned.

And if I don't like your essay for any reason, you shall be eaten.


By ants perhaps?

On live television.

For the viewing pleasure of other fuckwits just like you.

(And breaking up sentences in a decidedly ungrammatical fashion like I have just done will not go down well in your essay)

But I digress. Back to the loveliness that is QI.

Monday 3 March 2008

Buddy Miles 1947 - 2008

A genius drummer. Regardez;


Sunday 2 March 2008

.........but is she cross eyed?

Celebrities make me laugh

Plus I think that this crazy boney ass witch is cross eyed.

Is she or is it just wishful thinking?

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss

Though Geisel himself has been quoted as saying "Seuss -- rhymes with voice", the name is almost universally pronounced in English with an initial s sound and rhyming with "juice".