This will be a short, badly written post with no thought put into it at all. However it must be said. I want everyone to shop in LIDL. Reasons why lidl is the glorious haven of joy bathed in a holy numbus of light from 10 to 1
10. Its very cheap
9. They have crazy polish cakes and biscuits.
8. The aisles are 8 or 9 feet wide as to avoid supermarket rage
7. The sell giant salamis some well over 3 foot long (some even bigger)
6. The sell original Barr's Irn Bru in 3 litre bottles
5. When you check out they throw all your food back in the trolley for you to pack later. (thus saving valuable seconds for the person behind you)
4. The have isles with crazy power tools, ladders, watches, sports equipment,
wratchet sets, toolboxes and every week is a different suprise.
3. They stock beer from all around the globe
2. I dont think they have closed since 1996
1. And the top reason for shopping in Lidl is that its packed to the rafters with incredibly hot eastern european ladies searching desperately for shelled prawns in the bottom of the freezer while sporting white trousers, a thong, a belly top and bleach blond hair.
Lidl is King.
1 comment:
well i am sold particularly on point
# 1
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