or maybe this is the best clip ever ?
Monday 10 November 2008
The Bellamy Brothers
I love these youtube fruits who put together flash videos themselves. I say they are the future of humanity. Bravo Col1967.
Thursday 26 June 2008
Saturday 14 June 2008
Friday 13 June 2008
Wednesday 28 May 2008
Friday 16 May 2008
Wednesday 30 April 2008
Check This Out
Ok, Mad clip coming up. But just to make it even madder keep your eyes on the drummer. Courtesy of Here
Tuesday 29 April 2008
Monday 28 April 2008
Friday 25 April 2008
Thursday 24 April 2008
Drunk Driving
A "friend" let me drive drunk once. It worked out quite well actually. I made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, stopping only for a kebab and a piss.
Monday 21 April 2008
Drugs are bad?
My mommy says smoking dope makes your kids really dumb, and that she has conclusive evidence.
I don't understand what she's trying to say.
The Coens
I just saw this on youtube, a mashup of movies by the splendiferous and wondiferous Coen brothers.
We must all have waffles forthwith..
We must all have waffles forthwith..
Thursday 10 April 2008
Monday 7 April 2008
Wednesday 2 April 2008
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead, Part Deux

Ahern to resign as Taoiseach and FF leader on May 6th
Scandal-hit Irish PM to resign
Irish prime minister Ahern resigns amid financial controversy
Ahern to resign as Irish premier
A comedian to the end;
"I have never received a corrupt payment and I've never done anything to dishonour any office that I've ever held," he insisted.
Mr Ahern said today: "I know that some people will feel that some aspects of my finances are unusual.
"I truly regret if this has caused any confusion or worry in people's minds."
In my pockets I have a total of €27.46. It's all yours if you bring me the head of that great deceiver, illiterate slob, and arch-criminal Bertie Aherne.
How I detest this country...
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

The filthy, lying, bare faced, fuckin snake of a cunt has resigned. After beating his wife, taking any number of brown bags, whip rounds, and sundries. He will no doubt claim as his own - peace in the North, sole responsibility for the Celtic tiger, cures for cancer and world hunger.
As I said to JK, i wish we could march up to the Dail, lynch him and hang him outside a Statoil and pelt him with rocks. But that would be too good for him.
Goodbye Bertie. You took one hell of a beating !!
p.s. If I hear one single moment of weakness along the lines of "ahh sure he wasn't that bad, sure they are all at it", I shall make it my mission to tear the offending tongue from its housing and beat said offender with its bloody remains until they recant.
p.p.s I think that we need someone to lead our great country who can leave behind all the horrors that Bertie both brought, and made, and perpetuated. Someone with slightly more honour and a touch more integrity. I believe Robert Mugabe is free.
bertie ahern,
irish politics,
Friday 28 March 2008
Wednesday 26 March 2008
Tuesday 25 March 2008
Friday 21 March 2008
Get past the fact that this is an excerpt from Bam Margera's radio show and realise that Brandon Dicamillo is a genius. If you're familiar with his prank calls or comedy from the CKY videos, you will get this immediatly.
"Nuff ink fo yo bawl-point bitch!".
Thursday 20 March 2008
Monkey News
Karl Pilkington is some kind of halfwit prodigy, truly blurring the lines 'twixt smart and stupid, ingenious and moronic, gifted and retarded.
Somebody has done a great job of animating an example of this right here:
Somebody has done a great job of animating an example of this right here:
Wednesday 19 March 2008
Music For A Found Harmonium
They like found it man, yeah they found it.
penguin cafe orchestra
Tuesday 18 March 2008
entrepreneurial sensational unbelievable
Once in a while there comes an invention, so staggering in its foresight, so magnificent in its design, so earth shatteringly perfect in its construction, people gasp and wish that they had the brains, the nous and the brass balls to come up with something so great.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
I give you my first invention : The very fat baby head stabiliser.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
I give you my first invention : The very fat baby head stabiliser.

baby inventions,
fat kids,
Monday 17 March 2008
Friday 14 March 2008
The Circle-Citadels
Look at the stars! Look, look up at the skies!J.K.
O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air!
The Bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there!
Thursday 13 March 2008
I did not win the irish lottery.....but wait.
I went to see Derren Brown last night, and had a mostly sleepless night last night trying to figure out how the hell he does what he does.
I figured it out. He is a witch.
I fear Stephen Fry got there before me, as shown in the clip below. So let's do as Fry says and burn him at the stake to watch his witches heart bubble.
I figured it out. He is a witch.
I fear Stephen Fry got there before me, as shown in the clip below. So let's do as Fry says and burn him at the stake to watch his witches heart bubble.
Wednesday 12 March 2008
Just as it is important for road users to keep an eye out for cyclists, cyclists must also take steps to ensure they are seen by motorists.
Tuesday 11 March 2008
Monday 10 March 2008
I read with disdain that record companies are suing Eircom to prevent people from downloading illegal music via their Eircom broadband connection.
I can't accurately put into words the cavalcade of thoughts that are flowing through my head right now, but hell, I'll give it a shot.
1) Fuck the record companies. Maybe if they stop trying to sell us shite, banality and talentless wank we might actually want to buy something from them.
2) From my experience, Eircom broadband doesn't work anyway. I really can't see it working for long enough to download an entire song
3) Following on from point two above, does anybody really think that Eircom engineers would be capable of applying any sort of filtration software without making an almighty balls of it?
I can't accurately put into words the cavalcade of thoughts that are flowing through my head right now, but hell, I'll give it a shot.
1) Fuck the record companies. Maybe if they stop trying to sell us shite, banality and talentless wank we might actually want to buy something from them.
2) From my experience, Eircom broadband doesn't work anyway. I really can't see it working for long enough to download an entire song
3) Following on from point two above, does anybody really think that Eircom engineers would be capable of applying any sort of filtration software without making an almighty balls of it?
Was Everything Just Better?
Lately I have been getting a hankering to buy a commodore 64 again. I might pick one up on ebay, then we can all play football out on the green, come back in for your dinner, then settle into games like these little gems below. I say fuck all this new fangled technology - Let's go back to this giant of gaming. It was blocky as hell, took forever to load games, crashed all the time. But it was a lot of fun.
Or maybe everything just seemed better when I was a kid.
Or maybe everything just seemed better when I was a kid.
Sunday 9 March 2008
Friday 7 March 2008
Wednesday 5 March 2008
Parking Tickets....your crazy.....I didn't.......well they have some outstanding warrants.....

Dj Shadow sampled a comedian called Murray Roman on his album "Entroducing" in the early 90's for the track Stem/Long Stem. Roman was around in the 1960's and was by all accounts in a similar vain to Bill Hicks. I was always facinated by the sample as I thought it was Elliot Gould in some classic 1970's film.
Here are some links to Romans work and possibly one of the best names for an album I have heard in a while. "You Can't Beat People Up And Have Them Say I Love You". Spoken word infused with funk and soul music. Quite strange and enjoyable.
Links Are Here
If anyone can suggest links or leave a comment with more info on Roman I would be in your debt.
black music,
counter culture,
DJ Shadow,
elliot gould,
hip hop,
murray roman,
rap music,
spoken word,
banksy anyone?
A touching (ahem) story!
Tuesday 4 March 2008
Gary Gygax 1938 - 2008

Back in the olden days, in a time before crystal sets and the wireless, we would gather on Fridays after school (at around 5.00pm) in one of our houses and play D&D by candlelight non-stop till Sunday evening (at around 8.30pm), breaking every now and then for tea or coffee and biscuits.
I look back on those days with great fondness.
My New Law
This is an exerpt from QI.
I love QI. I really do. I think that if you are dumb enough to watch so-called "reality television" of any description, be it America's Dumbest Criminals, Big Brother or any of the pornography created by Satan himself then you should be required to watch QI.
By law.
And then you must write an essay about what you've learned.
And if I don't like your essay for any reason, you shall be eaten.
By ants perhaps?
On live television.
For the viewing pleasure of other fuckwits just like you.
(And breaking up sentences in a decidedly ungrammatical fashion like I have just done will not go down well in your essay)
But I digress. Back to the loveliness that is QI.
I love QI. I really do. I think that if you are dumb enough to watch so-called "reality television" of any description, be it America's Dumbest Criminals, Big Brother or any of the pornography created by Satan himself then you should be required to watch QI.
By law.
And then you must write an essay about what you've learned.
And if I don't like your essay for any reason, you shall be eaten.
By ants perhaps?
On live television.
For the viewing pleasure of other fuckwits just like you.
(And breaking up sentences in a decidedly ungrammatical fashion like I have just done will not go down well in your essay)
But I digress. Back to the loveliness that is QI.
Monday 3 March 2008
Sunday 2 March 2008
.........but is she cross eyed?

Celebrities make me laugh
Plus I think that this crazy boney ass witch is cross eyed.
Is she or is it just wishful thinking?
cross eyes,
paris hilton
Happy Birthday Dr Seuss
Saturday 1 March 2008
The Dogs And The Bones

It's the most terrifying, awful place I've ever seen, and it's the size of the National Exhibition Centre, for Christ's sake. It's madness. Any sane person working there would pray daily for a massacre. As the gunmen burst in, firing indiscriminately, the first genuine smile in six months would spread wide across your face, and you'd leap, giggling, into the line of fire.And what relevance the picture? None at all. No relevance at all.
And just when you think things can't get any more tearjerking, we're introduced to Mandisa, a black single mum in South Africa, who hopes her new call centre job should make ends meet. Thing is, it's for a UK firm, so first she has to attend an "Accent Reduction" course, which knocks all the fun out of her voice, so she won't frighten the horses.
Iron Man
I'm excited about this movie. What's not to like? Robert Downey Jr, Black Sabbath, guns, explosions, fighter jets and terrorists. Hell, chuck in a couple of lesbians and this could well be the greatest work of art ever produced by a human!
Friday 29 February 2008
Thursday 28 February 2008
Na Touch The Just Just

I often used to lie awake at night and think. This Just-Ice fella is a maniac. Still altogether a great great track.
On to pastures new?

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to encounter superb musical artists with sometimes even more superb names, names like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jiz Mac the Guzza, Mary Black, Stab vs Hate, Felix the Fieldmouse(AYIA), Sturgeon etc. etc. but some occasionally have a tendency to stand out with just that little bit more heeyaaah.
One that springs to mind is SatanChrist, whose 2005 album -This is a Game, its not a Game, contained such memorable lyrics as "roll the dice(pause) aces high(pause) its a royal flush!" which always filled me with joyousness and failed hope.
Black Sex on the other hand, had the classic album - coMEt of lOVe, whose opening track "Orbiting the Universe of Sexuality" still to this day holds dynamism and a relevance that only Barbara Streisand's duet wit Mr. Neil Diamond "You don't bring me flowers" holds.
God bless Apollo.
Wednesday 27 February 2008
Trigger Happy
When this came out first I thought this was so freakin funny.
dom joly,
nokia tone,
trigger happy tv
Tuesday 26 February 2008
Duck My Sick Kevin McCarra

Arsenal can beat anyone, including themselves
What a load of rubbish. What an arse-hole! This comment (from nebalt) sums it up perfectly for me;
Kevin, this article proves yet again why you are more Duncan Castles and less Henry Winter. In today's GU football podcast, you argued with Doyler that Taylor's challenge was down around Eduardo's ankle when your own paper has published a picture of the incident in this article:
You dare call Wenger a hothead but never criticize Alex Ferguson when he goes off on his rants and says the most stupid things because you are a world class sycophant.
This year you have accused Arsenal of fictitiously simulating in a game at the Emirates when three weeks later Evra and Anderson were rolling around the Emirates as if they were shot. Not a peep out of you then. You also accused them of being short then retracting it again on the podcast admitting you had been wrong. And in the aftermath of this latest sad episode, you rather talk about Gallas' and Wenger's shortcomings than berate another Scotsman for giving the mandate to go out and cause bodily harm on an opponent. Your bipolar approach to Arsenal is quite frankly getting old. You are, unfortunately, not a credit for the paper you work for.
Anyway, the guardian has proven itself of late to be little more than a tabloid. With the exception of Charlie Brooker, the only use I put that paper to these days is wrapping my chips. I will say good day to you Mr. McCarra!
online news,
opinion piece,
A '63 Margaux, best of the century.

Ok it was not a '63 Margaux. It was a bottle of Chianti Classico. And i wasnt in a high class restaurant. I was in the screen cinema. Back row. Last night. And it wasn't out of the bottle. I brought my own glass. And it was very enjoyable. A few funny looks but it was more like my front room than anything else. And I even had the 'bottle' (if you will excuse the pun), to tell two ladies to shut up and take their chatter outside.
I am going to drink in the cinema from now on.
public drinking,
public drunkenness,
As I've already shared the very intimate details of my favourite internet video, I decided that I'd go the whole hog, open myself up from the very bottom of my bottom and share with you, the world, my very favourite Penny Arcade comic

Monday 25 February 2008
My first post!!
Where to begin? I'd like to thank JK for inviting me, my parents for conceiving me (however accidentally) and, of course, the simply awesome baby Jesus for guiding me.
I suppose I should tell all y'all something about me: I am a (mostly) male, (oftentimes) bewildered (occasional) developer. That is all.
My literary juices are currently fermenting, therefore I shall sign off by adding my new favourite internet video. I am, however, a fickle fellow, so the internet had better stay on its toes otherwise I'll find a new favourite.
Here it is
Where to begin? I'd like to thank JK for inviting me, my parents for conceiving me (however accidentally) and, of course, the simply awesome baby Jesus for guiding me.
I suppose I should tell all y'all something about me: I am a (mostly) male, (oftentimes) bewildered (occasional) developer. That is all.
My literary juices are currently fermenting, therefore I shall sign off by adding my new favourite internet video. I am, however, a fickle fellow, so the internet had better stay on its toes otherwise I'll find a new favourite.
Here it is
I Was Trying To Backflip A Motorcycle

Knoxville recovering from surgery
TV stuntman Johnny Knoxville is recovering from surgery after having his genitals stitched up.Knoxville, you are a prince among men.
The 'Jackass' star was attempting to replicate late daredevil Evel Knievel's famous motorcycle backflip in Oklahoma at the weekend when he landed awkwardly.
Knoxville was taken to a nearby hospital, but the cuts, swelling and bruising were so severe medics couldn't operate on him immediately.
In a phone interview with blogger Marc Malkin just 10 minutes after surgery on Thursday, Knoxville said: "I'm still a little groggy from the anaesthesia. I just got the catheter out, and the doctor said I can resume normal functions immediately like, manly functions."
But Knoxville fears he'll have nightmares about the painful accident for years to come.
He adds: "I was trying to backflip a motorcycle. The bike goes up about 15, 20 feet in the air and comes back down and breaks its handlebar off in between my legs. I was laying there spreadeagle.
"They've never seen handlebars break off before-much less between someone's legs."
Knoxville tore his urethra in the accident, which will be broadcast on MTV in America this weekend, when the prankster and his crew of stunt pals take over the network for 24 hours to launch their new JackassWorld.com website.
Some People Feel This Angry All The Time

Once a man strolled in, pointed to something behind the counter, and gruffly asked if he could have it for five pounds off. He was wearing tracksuit bottoms, and had one hand absent-mindedly stuffed down the front, playing with his balls, as he studied my face for a response. I politely explained that the price was the price, haggling wasn't an option, and so on. He asked if I wanted to step outside. When I said I didn't, he swore at me, kicked the counter, and stormed out. The entire exchange lasted less than 30 seconds.
Sunday 24 February 2008
oooo baby

Good God I hope that they dont mess Watchmen up like most of the Comic ports so far.. still this screenshot looks pretty damn sweet.. praying.. especially since I've got news that Akira has been given the green light, with a (I'm pretty sure) 30 odd year old Yank playing a 15 year old Japanese Kid...Yes indeed Di Caprio has been rumoured to play my favorite hero and I swear to god if this happens i will pull a stewie griffin on him (Will Ferrell)
Saturday 23 February 2008
Thursday 21 February 2008
Stuart T. is a bollix !
Look at him, swanning around Howth like a bollix thinking Queen of the Damned was a masterpiece. Apparently, after the Irish Premiere of his latest flick Battle of Seattle ,he indulged himself onto his fans with a Q&A and one particular meathead asked him, that with his great civic sensibilities, would he consider running for the leadership of The Green Party. Stuart responded with great pompous whimsy "well if I was the leader I would have stopped the road goin through the Hill of Tara".
The bollix.
The bollix.
New Ideas Take Shape

I have started a new blog.
There shall be no writing involved. But only my art. photoshop, doodles, drawings. Anything creative from my own hand. Current affairs and gossip given an artistic spin.
Keep an eye out for new content.
cool blogs,
graphic design,
new blog,
Wednesday 20 February 2008
High Stakes English Debate

you can be a real pedanterist sometimes.
but I was just trying to be a correspondentionalist
well thats to be admired I suppose
when we all become monosylaballists, that's when i'll start to worry
willian shakesspeare,
Tuesday 19 February 2008
Fidel Castro Resigns

Fidel Castro resigned his position as Cuban president today but this was not due to his ailing health, with his brother Raul continuing to run the country this will allow Castro to pursue his first love - music. His first realeases were with RUN-DMC in the late 80's and early 90's, [which included the hits "street street street" and "on my corner". His gritty street style of rap brought him fans across the globe, he will be working on a new solo album and says he has high hopes of a European Tour.
4n1m4t3d wishes you all the best Fidel.
fidel castro,
run DMC,
Friday 15 February 2008
Podcasting (who polices the internet?)

I have been in talks with Aidanovic about a date for our second attempt to start our radioshow for ISM or RedLeeroy or both etc. I have some software installed, and also a mic on route. This should be a piece of cake. My only concern is licensing, although as Mike Skinner would say, I have a "you think I care air" purely because i would feel that playing music over the interplace cant really be policed unless you are a limewire or a Napster. And unless ones popularity grows beyond all expectations then a short sharp warning before any escalations would normally suffice. To avoid immediate deletion from somewhere like Itunes, would hosting be needed? lets just say, all that is sorted about this venture is the presence of beer and our collection of Mp3's.
Monday 11 February 2008
Monday 4 February 2008
Sunday 3 February 2008
You Decide.
Was trawling around blogs/forums reading about drummers and found some amusing comments, one in particular filled me with distress.
I was just thinking to myself how overrated Led Zepplin is and although John Bonham is really good, Carter Beauford is just better because he has so much more style. But then I realized I don't really know anything about Led Zepplin (I'm not even sure if I'm spelling the name right) and that I base my opinions off of the few times I am forced to listen to that trite garbage, but for anyone who actually knows what they're talking about and isn't completely biased. Is John Bonham really that good? I mean, I know he can do the tripelet bass thing with one pedal but to me its like, big deal. If you used two you would sound better still. All of his drumming sounds to me like Carter's drummer on Everyday (for the most part which is lame).
Now I went onto YouTube and found Carter Beauford, and while saying he is not talented would be idiotic in itself, so say that he produces anything better than Bonham or Baker is laughable anyway. To read responses to this chaps post click here. Also to have a look at Beaufort go here. I had never heard of him before but here he is anyhow.
So then I moved onto Bonham. Moby Dick being his most well know drum solo. Now this is some special stuff, by any standards of rock drumming, Bonham is described by the Encyclopædia Britannica as the perfect model for all hard rock drummers that have followed him High praise indeed. A great video cut with moments from his life can be found right here. His famous drum solo, first entitled "Pat's Delight," then "Moby Dick," would often last for half an hour and regularly featured his use of bare hands to achieve different sound effects. In Led Zeppelin concert tours after 1969, Bonham would expand his basic kit to include congas, orchestral timpani, and a symphonic gong. Bonham is also credited (by the Dallas Times Herald) with the first in-concert use of electronic timpani drum synthesisers (most likely made by Syndrum) during a performance of the song "Kashmir" in Dallas, Texas in 1977. Many modern rappers would later heavily sample his drumming and incorporate it into their compositions, such as the Beastie Boys, who sampled "Moby Dick," "The Ocean," and "When the Levee Breaks."
Ginger Baker was originally on Jimmy Page's wanted list when forming Led Zeppelin, I think he was originally more blues influenced than Bonham, but could play rock and roll drums with amazing skill, as this clip shows.
On my meanderings I did find this, and although I had been loving drumming and its protaganists for years I have never seen anything that impressed me as much as this particular piece of film. Buddy Rich in full flight
This is only scratching the surface of finding the Best Drummer ever, check some of these and delve deeper.
Elvin Jones
Alphonse Mouzon
Max Roach
keith moon
Michael Shrieve
Best Drummer ever? - You decide.
I was just thinking to myself how overrated Led Zepplin is and although John Bonham is really good, Carter Beauford is just better because he has so much more style. But then I realized I don't really know anything about Led Zepplin (I'm not even sure if I'm spelling the name right) and that I base my opinions off of the few times I am forced to listen to that trite garbage, but for anyone who actually knows what they're talking about and isn't completely biased. Is John Bonham really that good? I mean, I know he can do the tripelet bass thing with one pedal but to me its like, big deal. If you used two you would sound better still. All of his drumming sounds to me like Carter's drummer on Everyday (for the most part which is lame).
Now I went onto YouTube and found Carter Beauford, and while saying he is not talented would be idiotic in itself, so say that he produces anything better than Bonham or Baker is laughable anyway. To read responses to this chaps post click here. Also to have a look at Beaufort go here. I had never heard of him before but here he is anyhow.
So then I moved onto Bonham. Moby Dick being his most well know drum solo. Now this is some special stuff, by any standards of rock drumming, Bonham is described by the Encyclopædia Britannica as the perfect model for all hard rock drummers that have followed him High praise indeed. A great video cut with moments from his life can be found right here. His famous drum solo, first entitled "Pat's Delight," then "Moby Dick," would often last for half an hour and regularly featured his use of bare hands to achieve different sound effects. In Led Zeppelin concert tours after 1969, Bonham would expand his basic kit to include congas, orchestral timpani, and a symphonic gong. Bonham is also credited (by the Dallas Times Herald) with the first in-concert use of electronic timpani drum synthesisers (most likely made by Syndrum) during a performance of the song "Kashmir" in Dallas, Texas in 1977. Many modern rappers would later heavily sample his drumming and incorporate it into their compositions, such as the Beastie Boys, who sampled "Moby Dick," "The Ocean," and "When the Levee Breaks."
Ginger Baker was originally on Jimmy Page's wanted list when forming Led Zeppelin, I think he was originally more blues influenced than Bonham, but could play rock and roll drums with amazing skill, as this clip shows.
On my meanderings I did find this, and although I had been loving drumming and its protaganists for years I have never seen anything that impressed me as much as this particular piece of film. Buddy Rich in full flight
This is only scratching the surface of finding the Best Drummer ever, check some of these and delve deeper.
Elvin Jones
Alphonse Mouzon
Max Roach
keith moon
Michael Shrieve
Best Drummer ever? - You decide.
Wednesday 23 January 2008
Tuesday 22 January 2008
High Stakes Political Debate
Bill is getting into trouble for the attacks he has been making on Obama
it'll cave in on the clintons
i hope so i can't stand her
i wonder does she shave her balls ?
Good Question
maybe her and Bill sit in together on nights and do each other
now there is an image i didn't want in my head
Yes, I agree
But somehow it was around an open log fire in my mind
nat king cole on the gramaphone
i'll never be able to listen to nat again
neither will Hilary when Bill knicks her left testicle with the Mach III
it'll cave in on the clintons
i hope so i can't stand her
i wonder does she shave her balls ?
Good Question
maybe her and Bill sit in together on nights and do each other
now there is an image i didn't want in my head
Yes, I agree
But somehow it was around an open log fire in my mind
nat king cole on the gramaphone
i'll never be able to listen to nat again
neither will Hilary when Bill knicks her left testicle with the Mach III
Thursday 10 January 2008
Tuesday 8 January 2008
Brown paper packages tied up with strings, These are a few of my favorite things.
While lying awake last night I was trying to come up with some ideas for a project I am working on. But instead all that filled my mind was quotes from movies. I wrote them down so I wouldnt forget but copied and pasted from IMDB for full completeness. In no particular order here are five that made me chuckle to myself.
I would welcome comments and additions to this post.
1. Chet (Bill Paxton) from Weird Science - "your stewed buttwadd"
2. Judd Nelson (John Bender) in the Breakfast Club - "Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy"
3. Tom Hanks (Rik Gassko) in Bachelor Party - "It's time for spice, and the lucky spice is... paprika! "Oh thank you, thank you! You've made me the happiest spice in the world!"
4. Chevy Chase in Fletch - "it's me, Dr. Rosenpenis. I'm just here to check out Alan Stanwyk's file"
Dr. who?
"Dr. Rosenrosen, I'm here to get to the records room"
What was that name again?
"It's Dr. Rosen, I want to check the records room"
5. Tracey Walter (Miller) in Repoman - "John Wayne was a fag.
All: The hell he was.
"He was, too, you boys. I installed two-way mirrors in his pad in Brentwood, and he come to the door in a dress."
I would welcome comments and additions to this post.
1. Chet (Bill Paxton) from Weird Science - "your stewed buttwadd"
2. Judd Nelson (John Bender) in the Breakfast Club - "Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy"
3. Tom Hanks (Rik Gassko) in Bachelor Party - "It's time for spice, and the lucky spice is... paprika! "Oh thank you, thank you! You've made me the happiest spice in the world!"
4. Chevy Chase in Fletch - "it's me, Dr. Rosenpenis. I'm just here to check out Alan Stanwyk's file"
Dr. who?
"Dr. Rosenrosen, I'm here to get to the records room"
What was that name again?
"It's Dr. Rosen, I want to check the records room"
5. Tracey Walter (Miller) in Repoman - "John Wayne was a fag.
All: The hell he was.
"He was, too, you boys. I installed two-way mirrors in his pad in Brentwood, and he come to the door in a dress."
breakfast club,
chevy chase,
john hughes,
kids movies,
movie quotes,
tom hanks
Monday 7 January 2008
Early Riser
I took the magic mushrooms 8:30am and walked for what seemed like an age, "These dont work" I thought to myself as I ate another handful in dissapointment. A car passed me at speed with a German shephard leaning out the window his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. He barked but I heard no sound. A few moments later I heard the sound of the car whooshing past and a loud woof. I sat down to compose myself. I lit a cigarette. It tasted fowl but I smoked it till the end and threw it into the long grass in front of the bench where I was sitting. It smouldered and plumes of smoke rose up towards the sky. I sat looking from side to side hoping no one would notice the large fire I had started. I sat for many hours and the smoke continued to rise into the air making shapes and clouds above me. People passed me by but looked straight ahead as they moved through my man made mist. I glanced at my watch. It was 8:45am.
magic mushrooms,
Thursday 3 January 2008
Wednesday 2 January 2008
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