Over the years I have been fortunate enough to encounter superb musical artists with sometimes even more superb names, names like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jiz Mac the Guzza, Mary Black, Stab vs Hate, Felix the Fieldmouse(AYIA), Sturgeon etc. etc. but some occasionally have a tendency to stand out with just that little bit more heeyaaah.
One that springs to mind is SatanChrist, whose 2005 album -This is a Game, its not a Game, contained such memorable lyrics as "roll the dice(pause) aces high(pause) its a royal flush!" which always filled me with joyousness and failed hope.
Black Sex on the other hand, had the classic album - coMEt of lOVe, whose opening track "Orbiting the Universe of Sexuality" still to this day holds dynamism and a relevance that only Barbara Streisand's duet wit Mr. Neil Diamond "You don't bring me flowers" holds.
God bless Apollo.
you have finally gone over the edge into the pit of mentalness. Where mentalers all hang around with their mentaler friends, all being insanely mental.
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